What is the Parkville Living Center?
The Parkville Living Center thinks in terms of providing whole-person support and development programs at low or no costs. Our currency is our community and by providing quality services we will invite individual, organizational, and philanthropic giving as a means to support.

We are guided by core values of love and respect. We make space to meet others during their journey through life.
The Parkville Living Center is committed to creating and maintaining a space that respects and values the diversity of life experiences. We believe that communities have needs; both to give as well as to receive and we engage the local community in order to connect needs while addressing the whole human experience. At the core of community is the individual, and at the core of the individual are basic needs in the realms of mind, body, and soul. We do not prescribe one way to live, rather we explore together and celebrate the present.
Our Mission
The Parkville Living Center engages the whole individual; mind, body, and soul, through education, events and activities that celebrate our personal life journey within our diverse and dynamic community.
Our Vision
In the heart of Parkville, a space in which individuals commune to learn, support, and foster the whole person journey throughout the various life stages we each encounter.
Our story - always being written
How We Got Started
We got our start during the pandemic, out of a recognition that our immediate world is shrinking and in that is an opportunity to match community needs with community resources. As a member of Parkville Presbyterian Church, founder Marcus Flores saw opportunity where need and resources collide.
Where We Are Now
Confident of the need and the resources available, we are building a coalition of leaders, members, partners and support, to be the heart and soul of the Parkville Living Center. Read more here.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
This dynamic offering depends on you, our community. Reach out, even if you are not sure why, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind.