Women’s Discussion & Support
Small Group – No Cost

This group is a commitment to attending Wednesdays from 1 to 2:30pm. If that date/time doesn’t work, but you are still interested in the group, register and note as such. We will create new times in the future.

This group will provide a safe and supportive environment for group members as they process and explore their grief and loss(es) on their own terms. The initial group will consist of eight weekly sessions which will combine discussion with information sessions. There will be no message that the participants must do things in a certain way, or that they aren’t working hard enough.
Information ( with discussion) will include Kubler’s General Concepts of Grieve, Internal Family Systems Concepts as related to Loss, Discussion of Tangible, Symbolic and Ambiguous Losses, and the importance of kindness, gratitude and a selection of alternate coping methods.
The group will consist of adult members who believe they need group support and information to better meet their needs. All members will have 1-2 individual meetings to assess readiness for group work as well as appropriateness for group work.
The group facilitator (Mark Kover, LPC, ACHT) has been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1989. He has worked in the capacity of Program Director in Substance Abuse facilities, and as a therapist in Substance Abuse facilities, Mental Health facilities, Community Mental Health Centers and Inpatient/residential facilities. He has worked as a Certified School Counselor/Crisis Team member. He is a supervisor of individuals seeking licensure. He is certified as an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Mark Kover, LPC, ACHT
Your Life Counseling and Hypnotherapy,
After you register, Mark Kover will reach out to you to schedule a free 1-hour consultation prior to group starting.
“When we don’t push the pain of grief away, when we welcome it and engage it, we live and love more fully. “ Francis Weller
Our story - always being written
How We Got Started
We got our start during the pandemic, out of a recognition that our immediate world is shrinking and in that is an opportunity to match community needs with community resources. As a member of Parkville Presbyterian Church, founder Marcus Flores saw opportunity where need and resources collide.
Where We Are Now
Confident of the need and the resources available, we are building a coalition of leaders, members, partners and support, to be the heart and soul of the Parkville Living Center. Read more here.
Become a Volunteer Today
The Parkville Living Center (PLC) is a new type of community center, one that prioritizes relationship. By signing up you will be able to plug into the needs and resources of our community. Shortly after sign up someone from the PLC will contact you with more information.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
This dynamic offering depends on you, our community. Reach out, even if you are not sure why, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind.