
A Trip Through The Movies

Join us as we explore movies, their origins, their casts, plots, techniques, and all the other things we love about the movies.

The Parkville Living Center’s Film Group

is currently on hiatus

The format of this group will be a presentation about the movie(s) chosen for that period, followed by a discussion. We will not be watching the movie during the group. Movie titles will be made available at the start of each month, for you to watch at your leisure, or you can come to the PLC for a viewing at specified times.

Complete this Film Review Form for any films you’d like to track or discuss.



2023 Dates

(Click a month to see selected movies for that period)

January 11th & 25th

February 8th & 22nd

March 8th & 22nd

April 12th & 26th

May 10th & 24th


For more information or if you have any questions, please call us at 816-741-6824

or email us at marcus@parkvillelivingcenter.org

Our story - always being written

How We Got Started

We got our start during the pandemic, out of a recognition that our immediate world is shrinking and in that is an opportunity to match community needs with community resources. As a member of Parkville Presbyterian Church, founder Marcus Flores saw opportunity where need and resources collide.

Where We Are Now

Confident of the need and the resources available, we are building a coalition of leaders, members, partners and support, to be the heart and soul of the Parkville Living Center. Read more here.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

This dynamic offering depends on you, our community. Reach out, even if you are not sure why, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind.

819 Main St. Parkville, MO 64152

Call Us: ‪(816) 741-6824

Contact Us