Weston Senior Collaborative:
Support for our older adults
A HUGE THANK YOU to our friends at Weston’s Masonic Lodge #53!
In 2025 all of our classes will take place at 507 Main Street, Weston, MO. This is the home of Weston’s Masonic Lodge and now the meeting place for the Weston Senior Collaborative.
Hello! Check out what we are doing…
In November of 2023 the Parkville Living Center was able to respond to a Request for Proposal (RFP) from the Platte County Senior Fund, to provide senior social and wellness activities in Weston. In December, the following month, we were informed that we were awarded the grant.
Since then we have been working towards a three-phased approach to senior services in Weston:
Phase 2 – Hold Community Input Sessions to hear how Weston envisions senior services going forward.
Phase 3 – Put in place what we can from the listening sessions, and build the things that need a little more time and planning. Update: We are wrapping up phase 3 and will have a full report in January.
We are now in Phase 3
Who is the Parkville Living Center and what does that have to do with the Weston Senior Collaborative?
The Parkville Living Center is the 501c3 nonprofit organization that was created back in 2020 to provide community services in Parkville. Since then we have grown a strong senior citizen following and have a lot of experience, resources, and are the provider of services for the Weston Senior Collaborative.
Free transportation is now available!
Check out the Weston Senior Collaborative
Tea and Talk
507 Main Street
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00-10:30am
Chair Yoga
507 Main Street
Tuesday and Thursdays 10:30-11:30am
Weekly Activities!
See monthly calendar for details