
PLC Community

Lunch Program

A community lunch for all ages.


The Community Meal program serves hot, healthy meals and gives people opportunities to socialize. Meals are planned to help people in our community stay healthy. Menus typically include an entrée, vegetables or fruit, potatoes, noodles or rice, milk, bread and dessert. Click here for the latest menu.

Meals are served Monday and Wednesday 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Reservations are required, so please contact the Parkville Living Center by noon on the prior business day to make a reservation for lunch. Or click here to make a reservation.

There is a suggested donation of $2 for those who are 60 and older, or who have a federally recognized disability. Guests under 60 are invited to join elders for lunch with a reservation and a cost of $7.First time diners, aged 60+ or with federally recognized disability, will need to complete this form to comply with our federal funding.


We are here for YOU!

We are located at 819 Main Street


You can enter either through the church doors, or through the doors at the south side entrance.

Call 816-741-6824 or email marcus@parkvillelivingcenter.org for more information.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

This dynamic offering depends on you, our community. Reach out, even if you are not sure why, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind.

819 Main St. Parkville, MO 64152

Call Us: ‪(816) 741-6824

Contact Us