

Platte Senior Services is in the process of reactivating and expanding our services to satellite locations within Platte County. Weston, Platte City, Parkville, and Riverside are in the beginning stages.

We have created a survey to determine senior’s wants and needs. Please take a moment to answer the following questions and submit this survey.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Platte County Senior Services Inc Survey
Please select the activities you would enjoy at Platte Senior Services Inc (PSSI) or our potential satellite center at the Parkville Living Center
Please circle the distance you are willing to travel from home.
Would you be interested in participating in a restaurant voucher program where you use a voucher and order off a special menu? This program is based on a voluntary contribution when you enroll.
Do you have Transportation?
What method of transportation do you use?

Again, thank you for your participation.



Anne M. Rogers
Executive Director
Platte Senior Services Inc