How does this all work?
The Parkville Living Center (PLC) is in the start-up phase of non-profit development. We are hosted by Parkville Presbyterian Church and are working to develop our board, bylaws and other organizational structure. We have the support of many local organizations as well as community leaders and individuals. We are just weeks away from establishing our own 501c3, and with your help we aim to build a dynamic and diverse Living Center.

The PLC communicates and is organized in a few different levels: Leadership, Outreach, Operations and Support.
We recognize the dynamic nature of community involvement, with competing interests pulling you in 100 different directions. Here at the PLC we aim to build a community of support and connection. It is our job to communicate, create space, be present and above all value the individuals who make up our community. In this community, no one gift is greater than another. Yet we adhere to organizational and communal best practices, which have varying levels of communication and participation – below we outline those levels and participation opportunities.
For those of you who have experience starting or leading a community-based organization, or for those who are interested in learning, we are here. We invite you to participate in the leading, developing and maintaining of this organization. Please complete the form below, specifying leadership as your area of interest and any other information you feel is relevant and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
Outreach in this context means working with community members to identify or pair community needs with community resources. This is very much a relationship building role, working directly with the individuals of our community. We invite you to participate in the valued work of community outreach for this organization. Please complete the form below, specifying outreach as your area of interest and any other information you feel is relevant and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
For those of you who would like to deal with the day-to-day operations of a community-based organization, or for those who are interested in learning, we are here. We invite you to participate in the day-to-day operations of this organization. Please complete the form below, specifying outreach as your area of interest and any other information you feel is relevant and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
For those of you who would simply like to see this organization thrive, we appreciate your support. We invite you to consider participation through giving, connections, prayer or any other means of support. In order to fully live into your support, we also ask that you complete the form below, specifying support as your area of interest and any other information you feel is relevant and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
Our story - always being written
How We Got Started
We got our start during the pandemic, out of a recognition that our immediate world is shrinking and in that is an opportunity to match community needs with community resources. As a member of Parkville Presbyterian Church, founder Marcus Flores saw opportunity where need and resources collide.
Where We Are Now
Confident of the need and the resources available, we are building a coalition of leaders, members, partners and support, to be the heart and soul of the Parkville Living Center. Read more here.
Become a Volunteer Today
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Get in Touch. Get Involved.
This dynamic offering depends on you, our community. Reach out, even if you are not sure why, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind.